Where do I Start


 Welcome to Human Insights

Welcome to Human Insights! We are a Washington State Non-Profit organization whose focus is finding your hero’s journey, community regeneration, and trauma reintegration.  

Human Insights is a collective formed with the mission to derive greater strength and balance within ourselves, and in our connections to each other. Boiled down further, Human Insights is about creating healthier relationships with ourselves and with others, as well as developing the tools, skills, and yes, the insights needed to make our time here as fulfilling as possible. 

There are commonalities in all human lives because, well…we’re human. We can get lost in the individual, and we can forget the importance of the social aspect of humans, who are social beings. We get caught up in the day to day and sometimes need some validation for the bigger picture. We have lost much of that which was served by community. Community delivered on most of those social needs. Now, with the pandemic, with commutes, and busy lives, and internet communication, and work/life imbalance, we are not having our social needs met by community. 

We still have the needs, though. What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to blaze your own path, what value is there in perspective?

Connection to nature, and to each other, are vital elements of humanity that are being lost in a largely insulated electronic and depersonalized world. Tantamount to that is our connection with ourselves. This is the balm, the remedy, to so much of the isolation, anxiety, and loneliness we are experiencing as a world community. We need these connections. We need them perhaps now more than ever.

There is no one piece to this remedy. There is a process. There are steps to it. We love to take a deep dive into human dynamics and interpersonal machinations. Shared experiences are the bonds that tie individuals and communities together. These experiences create shared stories and shared memories. They create situations where we learn, fail, grow, and thrive. We sometimes even generate new words or references based on these shared situations. They have the power to shape us, to shape future generations, and to shape our path. We want to hold some space for that power. We appreciate that power. We feel it can heal so much of what ails us. So much of what separates us.

We invite you to dive in! We have a number of initiatives, projects, and services to help inspire the current generation, and the 7 generations that come after. We want to create a lasting legacy of sustainable self love and positive relationships based in nature and regenerative living. 

So where do you start?

That’s an excellent question.

We have some blog posts and articles for you. Here’s your options so far:

  • Intro to Social Permaculture – how to identify and cultivate the values you find important
  • Shutdown – Biology has us in its grasp and just won’t let us go! What happens when people get too stressed?
  • What’s in Your Toolbox? – it’s handy to have a place to keep your tools for when you need them.
  • The Fource – Examining four ways humans stress – fight, flight, freeze, fawn.
  • Soother Lists – tools to take the edge off.
  • Meditation – it looks different for everyone!


Y(Our) Hero’s Journey

Welcome to Y(Our) Hero’s Journey.  This is a 13-week online course that leads you through an internal discovery process that helps you discover your inner passion. We have different programs for people experiencing different journeys.

You might ask, What is A Hero’s Journey? At its most basic, it’s discovering insights and experiencing events that shape who you are. At its most complex, it’s a rich and multi-layered story about rebellion, refusal to grow, the teachers, the lessons, the overcoming obstacles. Our point is this: it belongs to you. It’s your story. You can make it as basic or as rich an experience as you like. We’d like to give you some tools to move through your journey. We’d like to know your thoughts about moving through life. Come and journey with us. It’s insightful!

Signup for our Waitlist


Spectrum Insights Neighborhood – Minecraft and community for Individual and Families on the Sensory Spectrum.

The Community Resiliency Project – Integrating STEAM with Disaster Preparedness and Community Resiliency.  We work with individuals and local communities to create kid led initiatives that develop technical skills while developing sustainable technology that is relevant their local needs.

  • SR530 Landslide Monitoring Station – Glacier Peak Institute
  • Butte County Forest Health Monitoring System
  • Proposed Summer Program for Pine Ridge Elementary K8 (Butte County, CA)
  • Community Action Plan
  • Ecosystem Restoration Camping

