Welcome to Spectrum Insights Neighborhood, a Minecraft Service for families on the Sensory Spectrum. We developed this service to provide a safe space for individuals and families to increase their resiliency by providing community, insights, articles, courses, how-to’s and more!
Our neighborhood is designed for each player to be Inspired, Safe, Challenged, Accepted, Known, and Empowered (ISCAKE).
Every player gets:
- 24/7 Access Minecraft Servers.
- SI Hub: Come in explore and socialize
- Survival: A survival world with an active economy.
- Creative Worlds: Places to create pixel art and other structures.
- Chillzone: StoryTime with Peter B., Chess, Mob Fighting Arena, and other areas focused on helping individuals return to homeostasis
- Training: Learn about commands to up your in game awesomeness.
- Hosra: Factions Server (Opening Soon)
- Eathern: Adventure / Survival World (Opening Soon)
- SkyBlock: Hangout on your island in the sky (Opening Soon)
- Aquatic Hardcore Survival: A hardcore survival world with an active economy. (Opening Soon)
- 24/7 Access to our Discord server (see below)
- Moderated and in game help.
- Access to Minecraft forum.
- Monthly Scavenger Hunts and other games
- In game support for when things get big.

What is the “Sensory Spectrum”?

“Sensory Spectrum” is the term we decided to use rather than “autism spectrum”, because we wanted to be as inclusive as possible. Yes, our service is designed for autistic individuals and families, but also for others who fall under the neurodiversity umbrella, such as individuals with ADD/ADHD, sensory integration or processing issues, auditory processing challenges, nonverbal learning disorder, dyspraxia, learning differences, etc. Really this service is for anyone.
These qualities help human beings thrive:
- Being Inspired
- Being Safe
- Being Challenged
- Being Accepted
- Being Known
- Being Empowered
All of these qualities are built into Spectrum Insights Neighborhood!
We’ve made a place where people can feel inspired. We can tap into the energy and dreams that drive us, and find more out about ourselves: What are our passions? What do we want from the world? What do we bring to it? Our kids get online and seem to check out, but what’s actually going on? Could they be learning, engaging, finding encouragement and tapping into inner strengths? We want to help kids find what inspires them.
We want people to be safe. They will feel secure in knowing that we will talk about every conflict or problem, and together we will decide what to do to resolve things. We can learn without fear or embarrassment. You don’t need to worry about who your family is interacting with. Our server is vetted and moderated.
When we are challenged, our brains respond utilizing their inborn elasticity. Human evolutionary biology has demonstrated repeatedly that challenging a system within healthy boundaries stimulates growth.
When we are accepted as we truly are, we have the freedom to think about what we might be. Being able to “try on” attitudes and values to see what resonates is a luxury that is not often found in the immediate, virtual world. In our Minecraft environment, we’ll examine issues using a compassionate and principled approach and attempt to demonstrate the value of each individual. We want to encourage acceptance of others, as well as acceptance of self.
Being known is to be seen by others as you actually are, and thus people are able to understand and trust your intentions. Being known means you feel safe enough to open up and know others.
Being empowered is to have explored enough of yourself that you are confident that your choices demonstrate a clear picture of your values. You know who you are. You can stand by your principles and values because you build them into every step of your life.